Outdoor learning in the sunshine



On Wednesday, Miss Walton took Y6 down to our fabulous wildlife area and challenged them to find and classify different species of plants.

Everyone enjoyed using their scientific skills and completing some fieldwork linked to our ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ topic.

Luckily Mr Worthington was on hand to provide advice and his valuable expertise about the different plants growing in our very own school grounds.

What did you find down there?  Which part of the wildlife area did you enjoy the most?


6 thoughts on “Outdoor learning in the sunshine”

  1. I really enjoyed going around with my friends and looking for the different plants. I peticuly enjoyed learning about the hostler and the chives. :)

  2. I found allot of beautiful flowers.
    Enjoyed that there are chairs made out of trees, and u can sit in many different wonderful places.

  3. I enjoyed the area that Mr Worthington had been working on ( next to the shed) because it was very colourful as it had many flowers and trees. He had also planted some fabulous smelling lavenders.

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