
Hello, we are the star reporters! I’m Ethan and this is Hannah S. We are going to tell you about the things that we have been doing in the week!

On Monday we had a special visitor called Mr.Prout. He came from Standish high school and he showed us a differant way to do grid method. This method is called column multplacation, and some of us found it a little bit difficult.

On Tuesday, we went on a eco trip! When we walked out we couldn’t believe what we saw! A bright blue double decar bus! We learnt all about Reduce,Reuse and Recycle and differant types of energy.We Reused plastic cups,to make bird feeders and our hands were very sticky and we didn’t like the smell of our hands but we had a brilliant time! In the afternoon,we had p.e! We were learning basketball but unfortunatly, we didn’t have very long. We were practicing catching and keeping control with the ball.

On Wednesday,in the afternoon we had a really fun guitar lesson! We practiced a song called Big Blue Bear! It was a really enjoyable lesson!

On Thursday, we wrote an opening to our own Michael Morpurgo style story! Also it was our very first parents evening in year 5! Later,after dinner we Researched  South America! Me and My partner McCauley reasearched Angel Falls in Venezuala. Ethan and his partner Matthew W,they researched a place called Machu Pichu!

On Friday, we converted meters to centimeters and kilometers to meters! We had a very special harvest assembly. Everybody brought some food to donate to the Brick! I brought some differant soups! Ethan brought tomato soup and some rasberry jam!

Thankyou for reading our blog! We hope you enjoyed reading about our week.



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