
Hello we are  Harris and Katie.

We are the class star reporters and we would like to tell you about the things we have been doing. On Monday we were experimenting with the parashoute because we were looking at air resistance, and we also made some spinners! It was really fun!

On Tuesday, we played hockey with Mrs.Richards and congratulations to Harris ,Kian ,Will ,Nithu , Ethan , Eve L , Hannah S and Jessica who made the hockey team! Also, congratulations to Matthew W, Rebecca, Scarlett , Eve L , Ben M and Ben syner who going to go to the swimming gala!

On Wednesday we did our reasearch on Micheal Mopourgo where we had lots of fun finding out information about him such as; he likes elephants, he loves eating prawns, he was evacuated during World War 2 and his favourite sports are football and rugby. We also did guitar wher we learned a great new song called ‘the big blue bear’.

On Thursday , we wrote a dairy entry about Mr.Bean going to the dentist. After dinner, we learned about internet safety and how to be safe when downloading.

On Friday , we did some co-ordinates in Maths. Some of us used co-ordinates to make secret messages and others made pictures of Olaf! Then, we did presentations on Micheal Mopourgo , that we had been practising it was really fun!!




    1. Thanks for pointing that out Rebecca, I’ve edited Harris and Katie’s report so it lets everyone know you are going too!

    1. Don’t worry Abbie, we all make mistakes like that sometimes. Last week I walked into the Year 4 classroom by accident thinking that we were still in that class!

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