Here are this week’s stars:
Star of the week: Abbie
Table of the week: Spain (Eve, James, McCauley, Hannah, Lottie, Ben S & Sam)
Star Reporters: Eve and Sol
Golden Ticket winners: Sol and McCauley
Well done to everyone this week, have a great half term!
Mr Lyons
well done the rest of Spain , Abbie , sol , eve and McCauley
congratulations Spain to get table of the week you deserved it you were great!
well done star reporters which were sol and eve for doing brilliant in their work also they both did a lot of work
well done for sol again but for the golden ticket winner and well done for McCauley to also get the golden ticket winner!!
Well done to Eve and sol for doing a great job at being the star reporters , well done to Abbie for getting star of the week!! You did a great job sol and McCauley , Also well done to table of the week!! you all did very well!!!!