
So that we have a head start on Roman soldiers before we actually get to meet one on Wednesday, part of our homework was to research about them and see what we could find out. Have you found anything really interesting? Leave a comment to let everyone else know the fantastic facts you find!

Mr Lyons

14 thoughts on “ROMANS RESEARCH”

  1. I’ve found out that they have special Roman coins!Also I have a Roman coin I think or maybe it is a Viking one I got it from the museum of Lancashire in Preston!

  2. 1) There were no women in the Roman army.
    2) Roman soldiers had to march over 20 miles a day with heavy things to carry.
    3)Roman soldiers had to serve in the army for 25 years before they were permitted to retire.
    4)Roman legionaries were not allowed to get married.

  3. The Romans came to Wigan!! And not for the pies !!!
    They called it Coccium. It is thought they liked Wigan because it had a river (River Douglas) and it is on high ground so it was easy to defend.

  4. Roman soldiers had to be 20 years old and were soldiers for at least 25 years.
    They wore sandals, I bet their feet were cold!

  5. 1. Many Roman woman where married at the age of 14
    2. Rome is now the capital city of Italy
    3. In his portraits, Julius Caesar wore a wreath on his head to hide his baldness

  6. Who was in the Roman army?
    Only men could be in the Roman Army. No women. Every Roman soldier was a Roman citizen. He had to be at least 20 years old. He was not supposed to get married while he was a soldier. Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy. There were Roman soldiers from Africa, France, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East.

    Soldiers had to stay in the army for at least 25 years! Then they could retire, with a pension or a gift of land to farm. Old soldiers often settled down to old age together, in a military town or colonia.

  7. Well done to everyone who has done some research. I am very impressed with the amazing facts you have found! I am sure you will have a fantastic day tomorrow when you meet the Roman soldier!
    Mrs Lowe

  8. Chester was called Deva because it was next to the river dee. Also they did cock fighting and gladiators in the amphitheatre.

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