This week, we have been doing lots of work on angles and we decided to have a look around the playground and the school to see how many different angle types we could find whether it was acute, obtuse, a right angle or reflex, we had fun spotting them. Can you spot any angles at home or around school?
Mr Lyons

Recently we held our Friday Fundraiser in our classroom, and we had a wide variety of stalls, from cake sales to guess the rugby player and even name the dog! It certainly was exciting and we enjoyed raising a whopping £145.56! Well done to everyone for their hard work on the day and for all the different things you made for our fundraiser!
Mr Lyons

After reading the first 3 pages of the chapter and then answer the following questions in a comment!
1) What is the name of the school?
2) Describe the school.
3) Describe the school uniform.
4) Do you think it was a nice school to go to? Why?
5) What is different to this school than Woodfield?
6) Who is the main character of the story?
7) Is she a good school pupil or not? How do you know?
Have a good weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing if you can find some of those tricky answers!
Mr Lyons
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a great summer! We’ve got lots of fun and exciting things to learn about in Year 5 this year, starting with South America as our topic! The header of our blog is of a famous South American landmark which we will learn about in the coming weeks!

Can anybody think what it might be? or where it might be? Leave your thoughts in a comment!
Mr Lyons
Come and see what we've been learning!