Well done to Erin, who raised over £100 for charity by running the Race For Life with her Mum. She said “It was very hard, I was very tired and the end of it and it took me over half an hour to complete!”
We’ll done Erin, we’re all very proud of you!

This week’s star reporters are Rebecca and Imogen
On Monday it was the start of maths week we did questions about 365 penguins. On Tuesday we had a math assessment.On Wednesday we got a treat. Mr Orrell came to teach us with our singing for our performance and Mrs Griffiths we did printing it was brilliant., we also had to look after Winston the bear and write in his diary about all the fun things he did with us. On Thursday we learned about Bicho, Scarlett dressed up as a penguin we asked questions to learn more about him.On Friday we had sports day green team WON!!! yellow came fourth red came third blue came second.The table of the week is ITALY. Star of the week is Ross. The golden ticket winner is Katie.The star reporters are Imogen and Rebecca.

Well done to this week’s winners:
Star of the week: Scarlett, Nithu, Ross
Star reporters: Rebecca and Imogen
Table of the week: Italy

A huge congratulations to Nithu, Ross, Jessica, Will, Hannah, Ethan, Matthew W, Sol, Rebecca and Freya for their excellent behaviour on their recent trip to Robin Park to become Change 4 Life Champions! The children were involved in many fun activities throughout the day including archery, learning how to live healthier lifestyles and meeting a famous national hockey player! Special thanks to Mrs Keeley for taking the children. For all the children who went on the trip, we would all love to know, what was your favourite part of the day?

Hi everyone!
I’m sorry it has been a while since we last posted about the interesting things we have been doing in Year 4! We have had lots of important assessments to do which has slowed our blogging exploits!
Mr Lyons
Come and see what we've been learning!